RIM's "bold" new 'berrys have hit the street, and I will admit, not bad. Not an iPhone killa by any means, but they have introduced some similarities in design (that fancy new silver border? flattened appearance?). If only the fancy street camo skin shown above (part of the unskippable intro on the phone's website) was an available option...
Look for some sweet little apps to come along shortly for the Bold (a.k.a. Blackberry 9000). Similar to Apple's $100m iPhone iFund (thank you Mr. Doerr and Kleiner Perkins) and Google's $10m Android app contest (check out the eco2go app that lets you calculate your carbon footprint), RIM has launched a $150m fund to entice Bberry developers. A little strange, given the Blackberry application space has been well-developed for a while now. So why the hefty incentive? I think somebody's got a little 3G phobia. I wonder if RIM's co-CEO Mike Lazaridis has nightmares of Steve chasing after him weilding a Macbook Air? (sidenote, check out just how sharp the Air is here)
Go forth and be bold.
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