After a long push-and-pull relationship, The Rolling Stones have finally buggered off of EMI's rapidly shrinking client list. Who wins? Well, the Stones, now that they don't have to deal with crazy financier Guy Hands any longer; Vivendi Universal, who get's the band's catalog dating back to the 70's (and any rights to new releases, but don't hold your breath); and Abcko, who gets to hold onto the earlier stuff. But not LiveNation, who everyone thought would be the recipient of the Stones' performance dollars or pounds. They are choosing to remain "indie" on that front, and good for them. LiveNation has been a bit overzealous in its recent signings (see previous EMI post), and as a result Michael Cohl, the exec feverously persuing these 7-8 figure deals, got canned.
As Mc says, "I won't miss you child." Sorry Mikey. And Guy. But not really.
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